President and Sister Stratford Visit Our Coshocton Branch 10-22-2017

Today we were so blessed to have President and Sister Stratford come to our Cosocton branch!  We learned so much from them!  They both spoke in Sacrament Meeting, then in the Sunday School hour we heard Presidents amazing talk (again- he gave it to us at Zone Conference) about the Sacrament, at the sacrament table to the entire branch and then the third hour they answered questions that the members had submitted earlier in the month.
The branch members loved them and loved having them here.  They are such personable people and just connected with members of our branch! 
We were so happy to have many of our less active members come, but saddened to not have several of our active members attend. We had delivered invitation to many many people, members and friends all over the county. 
It is such a special day when a mission president comes to town!
We were thrilled to have two of our non member friends Susie and Lorraine join us!
Susie has been struggling for some time with some pretty serious health issues, and President Stratford and Paul were able to give her a blessing, not a dry eye in the room!
We had a fabulous linger longer dinner afterward, sorry no photos this time, with lots of food and great visiting! 
After church President Stratford and we went to Sister Parsons to give her the sacrament and then they stopped by our home for a quick visit and then they were off!  But giving a whole day to our branch was an amazing gift!
Thank you President and Sister Stratford! 
What a beautiful day!
And a fabulous way to celebrate our 5 month anniversary of being missionaries!


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