Twas the Week Before Christmas - 2 Open Houses, 2 Nights of Caroling, 2 Service projects, Many Meals and a Missionary Music Devotional! 12-17- 12-24, 2017

We decided at the beginning of December that since we would only have one Christmas as missionaries we would pack the month with as many things as we could! We have had so much fun!  This last week before Christmas, we have  hosted two open houses in our home, gone caroling with members two nights, had a youth service project, served at the community meal provided by the Methodist Church, taught institute as well as supported the Missionary Music Fireside in Columbus.  We enjoyed a delightful lunch with one of the wonderful men from Paul's Bible Study group, and had such a rich discussion about the church! We also served multiple dinners and a lunch to members and missionaries in our home throughout the week!  
It was a busy fun week, and now off to church to have a quiet and reverent Sacrament Meeting to remember the Savior of the World whose birth we celebrate.  What a gift Jesus Christ is to us and what an amazing opportunity it is to be in the mission field this Christmas time! We are very grateful and hope that our service and lives reflect Him who we represent! 

Service Project

Missionary Christmas Devotional

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