Multi Zone Christmas Conference and Dinner 12-15-2017

Today was our Christmas Conference and it was a very special day! Salt Lake gave instructions that the whole mission could not gather at once, so they did half of the zones today and half will be tomorrow.
As the young missionaries arrives, they were instructed to take off their shoes and put them into bins with their names on them.  After a nice opening exercises, the young missionaries went into the cultural hall and did a service project making toys for micro industries to sells. We senior couples went to another room and polished all of the shoes that the sisters and elders had deposited, about 100 pair!  President and Sister Stratford instructed us to let them know if any of the shoes were in bad shape, and I think that their idea is to give a little service and replace some of those shoes.
We then all divided into three groups, and rotated to three rooms to play Gospel Jeopardy, a fun charades game and musical chimes.
After that we gathered in the chapel where President Stratford spoke to us and told us a beautiful missionary experience about a baptism that took place last Saturday in a neighboring town in our stake. The woman who was baptized was taught by two missionaries 16 years ago but her family didn't approve so she joined another church. Well three darling sisters from our mission found her again and taught her and she now decided to be baptized! So the sister missionaries hunt down the two elders who taught her 16 years ago and they return to Ohio and baptize her!! Such a wonderful story!! It was even featured on!
We then sang Christmas hymns and then were escorted singing into the cultural hall which had been decorated beautifully and we were served (not a buffet) a delicious turkey and all of the fixins dinner, all homemade.
Sister Russell, wife of one of the mission presidency was in charge of the day, and it was fabulous.  Of course many people helped and the Stratfords were integral, but I think she masterminded the whole day.
After dinner, we had the sweetest little nativity put on by local primary children, which was very tender, because it reminded me of the sweet nativities that our grandkids do each year! 
Each of us had sent in some photos and some Elders put them all together in a video about what had happened in our mission this past year, the fun, the service and the spiritual events. They showed this video after the nativity. It was so cool!
Then, as a surprise, we had each sent in video clips telling the things that we appreciated and loved about President and Sister Stratford, and the assistants played that. They were totally surprised and moved to tears, it was wonderful!
We then each got to go through a reception line and greet the whole mission presidency and wives and just wish them merry Christmas and they gave us a gift of a Book of Mormon and a challenge, a Christmas ornament and a homemade dish cloth hand crotched by Sister Stratfords mother (with an accompanying poem)  for every missionary!  Wow!
It was so fun to see these wonderful and inspiring young men and women gather to celebrate the birth and life of the Savior whom they represent.  It truly was a sweet day to spend with these mazing youth, and know that their families are missing them and have shared them with us, the people of Ohio and the Lord for 18 or 24 months.

We are so blessed as missionaries!

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