An Interesting Day at The Inter-Denominational Bible Study Group 12-20-2017

I attended the weekly Bible Study Group as usual early Wednesday morning - we had one of our better sessions. The text for the day was from the Catholic Lectionary: Luke 1:26-38, the annunciation to Mary. In the middle a good discussion on the role of Mary in the Christian world, Roger Cane, a really nice Methodist, said out of the blue "You know, I’ve had the young Mormon elders in my home and I've read half of the Book of Mormon. So what I want to know is 'how does the Book of Mormon stand with regard to what we're discussing right now? I mean, why do I need the Mormon Bible?" 
Where that question came from, I'll never know!  It was totally random and out of context!  But I spent the next few minutes explaining to the group the history and the purpose of the Book of Mormon. I held up my Bible and explained the role of the Bible in our church and also that the Book of Mormon begins in Jerusalem and is a story of a family descended from Joseph and their migration to the Americas. I told them that the purpose of the Book of Mormon is to be Another Testament of the divinity of Christ and is record of the ancient inhabitants of the Americas written by their prophets. They seemed to handle it pretty well, they didn't throw me out! What a golden opportunity!!  I should have given Roger $20 for providing such a terrific set-up!  He's a good friend and a nice guy, he's also the guy who invited me to join the West Lafayette Men's Golf League, so I know the intent of his question wasn't antagonistic. Also, he and his wife Carol were among the members of the Bible Study Group who responded to our invitation to come to our home for a Christmas Open House last week. (He's the one sitting in the brown chair)

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