WELCOME HOME!!! Arrived April 23, 2018

We had told the kids when we would arrive and knew that Heather and family would probably be there close to the time that we would roll in because she offered to bring dinner from CafĂ© Rio which was so sweet! But when we drove into Brockshire circle, there were yellow ribbons everywhere and yellow balloons and both Gregg and Heather’s families were there and we just started bawling! 
It was so sweet to see them and have them welcome us home.
They had made banners and signs and it was absolutely one of the sweetest services that we had been given! 
The Beehives in our ward had also made some signs and decorated the road and driveway with cute chalk messages. 
Gregg, Kimma, Callie, Sam, Heather, Scott, Kage and Dray stayed and visited and we had a yummy dinner that Wihongis bought for all of us! 
We got to play with grand-kids and just enjoy our family!! 
We had no furniture; the house was completely empty and so we sat on the floor and found some chairs in the shed.  It felt wonderful to be home!!! We found the bed and put it in our room on the floor and after everyone went home, we hit the sack.

Happy to be here and so tired! And so grateful for such an amazing life experience! 
When we left on our mission, the thing that was most on my mind is that this mission is a gift to us and how grateful we are for that gift! 
Paul and I have never been closer, more in love, never stronger in our testimonies, had more fun being together and had more opportunities to serve together – ever.  
It was absolutely wonderful! 
What a beautiful gift our mission was! 
How grateful we are for the gift and the opportunity to testify of the giver of all gifts!

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