Where We Live - 8-23-2017

ONCE AGAIN WE LIVE ON A GOLF COURSE: We might have told you that we live on what was once the Coshocton Country Club - it closed down five years ago. The other course in town closed last year! We had never walked the old course near our condo until last night - it was spectacular. The grass is high and the bugs are thick, so trekking through the forest wasn't high on our list. But it turned out to be super beautiful with some of the most gorgeous trees ever. Paul saw five deer, a mother raccoon with baby twins, a woodchuck - and a he found three golf balls!

OUR NEIGHBORHOOD AS CONDO CONSTRUCTION BEGAN: This view from Google Earth was taken just as construction began on our condos - We'd guess 2015 or 2016. If you draw a line from the asphalt parking lot to the lower right corner of the photo, our condo would be on the area of bare dirt on the line.  There are now six duplex condo buildings - more to come soon. 
Since our street doesn't exist on GPS yet, our physical location is 925 Cambridge Road. 

OUR HOME IN COSHOCTON: This is a picture of our duplex condo home taken from the realtor's website - we live in the unit on the left. It's perfect for a senior missionary couple: two bedrooms, so we have an office. When we first arrived in Ohio, we lived in a small third-floor apartment over a deli in a 175 year old building. No elevator, no washer/dryer, no dishwasher, garage, etc. - in realtor talk it was very "quaint". So moving to the brand new condo, small as it is, has been a huge blessing. We love the amenities and our neighbors are terrific. We're the only married couple in the entire twelve-unit development - and most of them are older than us! 

BIBLE STUDY GROUP: A couple of months ago, Paul was invited to join an 
inter-denominational Bible Study Group that is held each Wednesday at 7:30 am in a small restaurant in the nearby town of West Lafayette. There are usually about 12 men present, about half of them are the pastor of their congregation. It's a wonderful opportunity to learn about other faiths and try to correct some of the inaccurate views that others have of our faith. So far he has been able to share with them such LDS teachings as "Teaching in the Savior's Way", the LDS concept of the Atonement and Elder Bednar's talk about "The Character of Christ". One of the pastors invited him to join a senior mens' golf league in the same village - that has been a wonderful opportunity to meet new people as there are sixty retired men in the league. Many thanks to Pres. Johnson for advising Paul to bring golf clubs on our mission! 

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